The APFSCIL Darts club have their annual open pairs KO competition
All welcome!
SAVE THE DATE for the Caps 50th Anniversary Party – Saturday September 6, 2025 at the Savoy Tap off the Strand, WC2R 0BA
Thanks to everyone who has supported our recent events:
Pre-Millwall (A) social at Southwark Brewing Co. (Dec 2023)
Pre-Charlton (A) social at Southwark Brewing Co. (Jan 2022)
Post-West Ham (A) social at Southwark Brewing Co. (Aug 2019)
The Capital Canaries Annual Meal at Delia’s (Apr 2019)
Post-Millwall (A) social at Southwark Brewing Co. (Mar 2019)
The Capital Canaries Quiz at The Old Red Lion (Nov 2018)
The APFSCIL Darts club have their annual open pairs KO competition
All welcome!
Formed in 1975 and based in the capital, the Capital Canaries was originally intended for Norwich City fans in and around the London area. Over the course of time, however, the number and whereabouts of members has increased dramatically and we now have numerous members spread around the globe!